My son....Porter. He is a full force Santa Slut. I took him to the mall yesterday to kill a few minutes before time to pick up the twins from school. We walked past Santa's station and no one was in line. I didn't want to unpack him from the stroller and let him over to see the big guy yet. I wanted to wait until I had all 3 so I could pay the small fortune for the picture at one time. Anyway.....I told Porter to wave to Santa. He waved the biggest, cutest pageant style wave. And Santa started heading over to talk to him (there was no one in line) so I caved and let Porter out of the stroller. He hopped out and took off sprint-style to Santa. He gave him the biggest hug EVER and went and sat on his lap. He smiled and cuddled and fondled the beard (Porter-not Santa). He was in love with the jolly old dude. It was so cute and priceless. I did NOT get a picture of course. He told Santa he wanted t-rex for Christmas and mumbled some other things that I didn't catch and sat on his lap for like 5 minutes before I had to drag him off. Luckily Santa had candy and that helped steer him away.
We waved bye and went on our merry little way. We did have to pass Santa again on the way out. That, my friends, was a nightmare. He waved and cried for Santa to help him and come save him from his evil mother. I tried to remind him that we had already seen Santa and maybe we could come back another day. But my little Santa Slut had a major meltdown and had to be drug out of the mall into the car......
He is in love with the guy. I have never seen a small kid happier to see anyone in his life. The twins were total opposite last year this came as a surprise to me. I thought he would cry and kick and scream at the sight of the guy, but nope. Pretty sure Porter has his bags packed and ready to move to the North Pole with Santa.
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