
Oh this guy....this sweet, sweet boy. He has an obsession with toliets....not trucks, cars, guns..... Which totally makes my stomach churn. I have to make sure that the bathroom doors are closed....AT ALL TIMES. One slip and it ends in disasters like this.....
Good news is I ALWAYS close the bathroom door. Bad news is the twins DO NOT. So last night after dinner Danner had gone to the bathroom and apparently forgot to close the door. I peeked around the corner and the door was closed.....good. Then I heard a splash, splash and giggles. My heart dropped....NO. I ran to the bathroom to find Porter with both feet in the toliet (don't worry he had shoes on- ha). Yuck. He snuck in the bathroom and closed the door. The sneaky dude.  Notice all the toliet paper had been pulled off the roll. He loves pulling toliet paper off the roll. I guess it could have been worse. At least his head wasn't in there....


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