Well Check

The well check-up for the twins was not a big hit today. First of all it was scheduled during nap time and well...that just sucks. Not only are they unhappy about seeing the doctor, they are grumpy from missing a nap. I clearly remember telling myself last time I took the twins to a doctors appt together to shoot me remind me not to. Well clearly I was too lazy forgot to schedule them seperately. All was great UNTIL Danner pinched Sawyer's finger in the cabinet that he climbed in.....And it bled, and he cried and cried, and screamed the remainder of the time we were there.....which seemed like FOREVER!!  And then there were the shots. Hep A and Flu.....obviously Sawyer was still screaming from his finger but he added a few extra long minutes of a more high pitched scream. And Danner chimed in too....well....because I am sure it hurt.

Anyway....the stats.

Danner was 35 inches 25%  and 23.2 lbs (not on growth chart)
Sawyer was 37 inches 50 % and 27.14 lbs 25%

They both are going to be going to a developmental specialist for more testing on fine motor skills. There were a few questions on the survey that neither one of the were able to do...
like string a small bead on a shoelace...... (not sure if they can do this or not....we don't have beads laying around due to CHOKING HAZARDS...duh). And drawing a straight line. They can draw a straight line but usually it is not when I ask them to. So....the doctor said we could do this test for free until 2 years 10months....and if they need extra therapy then it would be free. She doesn't think they will qualify and neither do I, but I guess it doesn't hurt to see how they test. Pretty sure the problem isn't fine motor skills....it is listening skills...but that wasn't a category .

Otherwise all is well. Danner is underweight as always...but nothing we can do. She is just skinny and that is ok. Everyone is healthy and happy and apparently not going to be artists....and I am fine with that.

Picture of our weekend to the corn maze/maize coming soon. The hubs is out of town....AGAIN...and I don't have time to shower...much less upload photos.

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