Okay....just wondering if anyone is still reading? Probably not since I have been such a slacker on posting lately. But sorry, I have been busy taking pics with my new camera. I even have some proof.... see?
Danner has finally accepted the fact that she WILL wear a bow. I was starting to wonder, but so far she is okay with it. She has yet to accept the fact that she WILL wear a dress though. I am still working on that. It is an everyday struggle that usually ends with a naked kid running around screaming, but I WILL WIN DARNIT.
We had Porter's appointment last week to find out that his kidney issue is a bit worse than before....soooooo......we have been referred to a Urology Specialist to find out what to do next. All I know is our appointment is next Thursday....not sure what they will do, what they will say, or what exactly is wrong, so I am hoping for some answers. AND Porter is now standing. Well, he is pulling up on things and cruising around them. This is quite dangerous, you know. Mainly because he gets up there and has no idea how to get down. Falling is his only solution so far. I am hoping he learns to get down sooner than later. All of his new tricks has started a new fad at night that usually involves him getting up in the middle of the night to "practice" only to fall or bump his head or get stuck......following by screaming and crying and not wanting to go back to sleep. Not fun for me...but loads of fun for him. Oh and he is really crawling....fast now.
Sawyer is still hamming it up. He loves wearing a hat, riding his scooter, and listening to music. He likes anything and everything trucks. He likes listening for the trash truck, he likes yelling at trucks when they pass us in the car, he likes playing with all his trucks at home. He is a typical boy.
Hi Amie,
ReplyDeleteWell let me tell you that I am one of your fans. I check your site everyday just because it makes my day seeing those lil ones. Even though I don't comment much I am always here everyday checking on how everyone is doing.
I am sorry to hear about Poter, did they say what is wrong with his kidney? I will pray for him so everything can go well.
Take care.
Love Lili
I am here too I can tell when you update from my page so I don't have to stalk you. I was wondering where ya been