We had an action packed weekend. The weekends always fly by and we are really enjoying getting the kids out and about. Friday night we went to a local family concert on the lawn of Mayfaire. We never actually made it close enough to hear the music because they had inflatables bouncy things for the kids. Sawyer loved it. He would patiently wait his turn and bounce away. However, when his time was up someone always had to go in and fetch him out. He had too much fun. He kept talking about it the whole way home. Danner could barely wait in line....she was so excited to go in, but when we pushed her in she freaked out and wanted nothing to do with it. Of course I had no time for pictures since I was busy tending to the kids, but hopefully next time I can get some cute shots.
Saturday we went to Mimi and Poppi's (Jesse parents) for some fun in the sun. The kids had SO much fun swimming in the pool. We tried several different floating tools to see which worked best. First we tried the life jacket shirts. They just made the kids roll in the water....not too safe. Next we tried the boat life jackets with the neck flap. They were really safe.....problem was that the kids couldn't move in them. They were stuck on their backs life "Ralphie" in the Christmas Story. It was actually hilarious. We joked that we could have left them there for a while and gone inside and had a margarita or two......good news if the boat sinks, they will be safe in those life jackets. Finally we tried the water wings. Best 99 cents I spent. They worked great. The kids head stayed above water and they kicked and paddled away. I think they will be swimming in no time.
Sunday we had a beach day. Jesse did some fishing (caught nothing) and I took the kids to the beach. They liked playing in the sand, feeding the birds, and trying to catch the live bait Jesse had in the bucket. They did not go near the water though. They are still scared of it. Good thing too....it was too cold for me to go in. After nap time Sawyer played in the sprinkler. Danner doesn't like it because she doesnt want to get her hair wet.
Okay.....sorry for the long post......I told ya we were busy bees. Enjoy the pictures. They aren't really in any order. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. these kids.
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