

That's right. Danner and Sawyer are the big 2-0. 20 whole months old. It is so hard to believe that in 4 short months they will be 2. This has been a very quick 20 months. I totally think that I have the best almost 2 year olds around. They are such sweet and loving kiddos. It just melts your heart. Now don't get me wrong, they definitely have their moments when they test my nerves to the extreme, but I couldn't love them anymore. Some nights I go to bed and feel awful that I raised my voice at them for crawling on the furniture or throwing food or whatever and vow that tomorrow I will try harder to have more patience. Here is a small 20 month update on them.
She is so sensitive. And such a helper. She gets me diapers, wipes, sippy cups, books, toys...whatever I ask for. She loves to please. And she understands almost all directions. The little smarty pants. She loves to dress herself and her favorite thing to do is wear other peoples's shoes. She can pick out a matching pair of shoes. She is quite the fashion diva. She is also pretty clumsy. She will trip over her own 2 feet. She likes to eat most things, but they both have become a bit picky lately. Apparently this is a common phase for toddlers. She loves the baby. SHe likes to rock him and give him his pacifier. She is definitely shy compared to her brother. She doesn't talk as much as him but she is starting to use more words. Some of the words she says most are: dog, Maggie, baby, cookie, milk, bye, mama, dada, cat, Papaw, Granny, book, ball, bath, hat, football, Elmo
Danner then....

AND NOW.....

He is my little trouble maker...or should I say trouble finder. He likes to climb on everything. Furniture. Tables. Chairs. He pretends to not understand the word NO. He is a big flirt and loves to give kisses. He loves to dance and really has rhythm unlike Jesse or me. He is very smart and knows and says most all animals and body parts. He speaks a lot of words...really too many to name. He will repeat almost anything you say. He is really funny and I find myself laughing at him alot. He loves getting all the attention. Sawyer is a picky eater. One day he will love something and the next day he won't touch it. He really likes watching football with Jesse. He is practically a spitting image of his daddy. Too cute.

AND NOW.....


Can you tell that I am a proud mama? I really think I am the luckiest person ever. I have the best family anyone could hope for.