They took an inital x-ray of his bladder, showed it to the dr, and gave us the go ahead to start. This is the machine they used.
A nurse came in and put a cathedar in. Supposedly that was the worst part. He cried for just a minute. Then they swaddled him snug like a bug in a bunch of blankets and strapped him to this board.....
Poor guy was strapped down and couldn't move a muscle. Apparently, this was the worst part for him. He really didn't like this at all. They started the dye running in the cath and filled his bladder. They we waited, and waited, and waited for him to pee. Seemed like forever when he was screaming bloody murder. But eventually he went just a little and the dr got the photos he needed. Then I held him until he peed again for one last x-ray of his bladder. BUt the little buger wouldn't go. I sat there for over an hour waiting for him to pee. His bladder was seriously full, but he was being stubborn. Eventually they gave up on him, needed the room, and send us home with instructions to call back if he doesn't pee. Well he finally did once we got home. I guess he was camera shy.
Now we wait on the final results, but the dr there said he didn't see anything to be concerned about. But we have to wait on the official results for my doctor.
Poor guy I am glad you got that catheter business over it killed me when they put one in Sami. WE all have the stomach flu. Do you know who started it? Not daycare, not one of the two year olds in daycare but DH! Dh who goes no where near daycare and does none of the household shopping or childcare routine. WTF wash your hands when you leave a public restroom please.