1 Month

Today Porter is 1 month old. This has been the quickest month ever. I can't believe it has already been a month. Crazy! He is the best baby. He is sleeping about a 7 hour stretch at night, then wakes up to eat and back to bed for 3 hours. It is great! He doesn't really nap that great during the day and likes to be held, but I don't mind. He is growing like a weed, I can practically see him grow. He has outgrown some of his newborn clothes. He is smiling a lot more too. Haven't caught it on camera yet though. He has really won my heart. LOVE.LOVE.LOVE HIM.

Sawyer had his 18 month checkup a month late on Wednesday. He is now 24 pounds and 33inches. He is in the 50% in height and 25 in weight. He is well above average in his vocabulary. The doctor was quite surprised at how many words he was speaking. He got a couple shots and barely cried. He did cry when we left though. He wanted to stay around. Danner has her appointment on Tuesday.

Poor Porter had his renal ultrasound today. He was such a big boy and didn't even cry. The doctor called a bit later to give me the report. Apparently his kidneys are enlarged due to urine being caught in there. (Of course, this is my terms and doctor terms would be a Stage 1 Hydronephrosis)It has gotten a bit worse since he was born and it should have been gone by now. So now we have to proceed with further testing. He will be having a dye test with a cathedar to see what is causing the problem. After we get the results from that we will be able to see what kind of further procedures we will be dealing with. Keep in mind, his is a mild case so I am trying not worry too much. We will know more after this first test. I will find out MOnday when the test is scheduled.

If you want to know more about Hydronephrosis here is a link that gives more details about this condition.


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