Porter had his 2 month well check last week. It was a few weeks late, but oh well. He weighed 12 pounds putting him in the 75% and was 24 inches putting him in the 95%. She was quite impressed with the fact that he ROLLED OVER, can sleep through the night, and as much "talking" as he was doing. Apparently he is quite advanced and she expects him to hit his milestones early. Which is not exactly what I had in mind. I am hoping he crawls and walks later. I would really like for him to stay put. I can barely go in two different directions, much less 3. They will recheck his kidney at 6 months. All good news for Porter.
The twins, on the other hand, are driving me crazy. This is what I am chasing after ALL DAY LONG......
Yep. That's right!!! NAKED BABIES
I am thinking we will attempt a potty training bootcamp in my house in the near future. I am tired of waking up to naked babies that have taken off their dirty diapers. I will not describe it any further as I am sure you can use your imagination. There is no stopping them either. Onsies, zippers, glue, tape.....doesn't matter....it comes off. They really like being naked. We practiced on the potty Saturday. I let them be naked, pulled up the rugs, and put the potties right there. Both babies were successful at putting peepee in the potty. But both babies were also successful at putting peepee on the floor. I have researched a bit about a 3 day potty training, but I will have to wait for Jesse to be gone. He doesn't have the patience for that.....lol
We haven't really been able to enjoy the playset outside due to the fact that it is too COLD. I am ready for spring. This winter weather is just no fun. BLAH!!
That outfit danner has on is so cute! I bought the potty seat that you set on the big person toilet. I have heard mixed reviews on which one other people's kids have liked. You're pediatrician is a very mean woman for telling you that it is too soon to use time out -it is all we have ya know?!