April 2022
2 years ago
Yep little man is a walker. Of course crawling is still quicker at this point but he will walk about 5-6 steps at a time. He is pretty good at walking back and forth between people. So at 8 months he is walking.......HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
I am married to my fabulous husband and have been blessed with 3 almost perfect kids. Danner and
Sawyer are our twins born prematurely after a long struggle with infertilty and Porter is our sweet miracle baby boy. After quitting my job as a teacher I have become a Momma aka diaper changer, snot wiper, head chef, laundry specialist, maid, toy gatherer, taxi driver, boo-boo kisser, tucker-inner.....well you get the point. Follow me on our adventures through tantrums and treasure hunts........