One Week at a Time....

Okay so this switch to natural foods is tough. I told you it would be a slow process. I am taking it weekly. I ran across a blog that is a 14 week pledge to cutting out junk food. So it helps to not get so overwhelmed.

Week 1 was drinking only "real" beverages. I was limited to water, tea, coffee, and milk. And since I can't do coffee because of no artificial sweeteners and I don't drink milk....well that left water and tea. The main cut out for me was diet cokes. I drank probably 6 a day most days. I love them....yum. But I realize that it is bad and now every time I want one I just think of all the bad ingredients. So week one was a success.

Week 2- This week starts adding fresh fruits and veges with each meal. 2 fruits or veges with each meal to be exact. I am not a huge fan of fruits. I have a hard time with textures. I can handle oranges, bananas, pears, pineapple....So I have been trying to eat those with some veges. But 2 with each meal is ALOT.....but I am working on it.

I made a  trip to the grocery store yesterday and filled my cart with fresh foods. It was nice (and expensive) and I felt good buying it. I did not put one can, one box, one bag of chips, one frozen my cart. AT. ALL. Nope not one thing. All fresh produce and meats. Yay. I say it was expensive but honestly my bill was no more than a regular week of shopping.

If you are interesting in trying the food pledge check out this blog HERE


  1. Ooo you should post some of your menus! That is a great start two with each. I only manage one most. Last night I fed frozen pizza (BOOOO) but they had pine apple chunks in juice, baby carrots and salad too (which they didn't eat), and strawberries.
    My problem is we run out so quick of the fresh stuff which means i need to double up on everything.

  2. Good start! I always found that when I bought all fruit, veggies, and meat we had to go back to the store within a few days for more.The fruit just doesnt fill up the kids like chips and I would love to see some snack menus.


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