
The twins are starting to play "pretend". It seriously cracks me up. Their favorite thing is to "pretend" that Porter is a puma. A bad, dangerous puma who is out to attack them. They scream "watch out, it's a puma. Run from the puma. Oh no, it's a puma."  Yea,  not a lion, snake, spider, tiger, monster, alien ...nope none of those. Must be a puma. Poor Porter has no idea that he is a mean, dangerous Puma. He is just excited that they are playing with him. And running from him, and talking to him. Even if it is frantic screaming..........ha!

Now I am not sure, but I am thinking when I was 2 I had no idea what a puma was. It definitely wasn't my enemy of choice. It is hilarious. I guess I have Diego to thank for this one.

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo cute! Dh plays like he is the cookie monster. Now they actually get scared of the dark because cookie monster might be there. I love watching them pretend it' s the best. Oh another one is they like to pretend dylan has poopy and they change his diaper. That one is kind of weird because they are inspecting his butt hole for the "poop". Over and over I will "yeah I got poopy."


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