To Whom it May Concern...

Why must you insist on changing the time? I am sick of all the spring aheads and fall just sucks. Especially when you have kids....which is apparent that you don't. Or else you may understand the problem. Kids like schedules...and when you screw with the time you mess everything up. Wake up time....breakfast time....naps....lunch.....snacks....dinner.....oh and the grumpiness. If you were around my house you might just get it....and change it back JUST for me.  Now don't get me wrong, I like the long summer days and the dark winter mornings. I don't like it being dark so early....that just equals more time stuck inside.
I don't like have to keep grumpies up later to try to get the back on a schedule. And I don't like when they wake at their "normal" 8 am only to see that it is really 7 am. It makes for 1 grumpy momma too. So if you don't mind pick ONE and stick to it. This back and forth crap isn't working for me.

Thanks so much,

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog and laughed out load at this. I am SO on the same page as you! I had to read this to my hubby who is trying to watch the football game....he didn't find it as funny because I was bugging him during the game and I don't think he "gets it" like us mommies who have to deal with the kiddos on the time change. Great post!


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