Miss me?

I know. I know.....I have been missing in action. We have been busy and quite honestly haven't had the motivation to update. I am behind on pictures but here are a few to hold you over.

Porter had his 4 month check-up. He was 14 pounds and 25 1/2 inches. That puts him in the 75 % for height and 25 % for weight. So he has dropped down some. Probably from his illness. He is rolling over all the time which is keeping him ( and me) up at night. He rolls over then gets mad and wakes up. I flip him back over and 5 seconds later he flips again.....repeat.....over and over and over again.

Sawyer is doing well with the potty. He poops on it ALMOST all the time. Not quite as good with peepee but we are working on it. As long as we are home and he doesn't wear a diaper, he will use the potty.

Danner has decided she is not interested in the potty. I am not going to push her. I know eventually she will catch on. But let me tell you, the girl does not like when Sawyer gets M&M's and she doesn't. And he gets them quite often now a days.

We have spent the past few days outside playing in the nice weather. I hope the cold is over because it is really great to get outside.

Invitations have been sent for the birthday party. I hope the weather is nice or else it might not be so fun. It is April 3rd at our house. Easter themed seeing as it is the day before Easter. We are hoping for an egg hunt if the weather cooperates.

1 comment:

  1. UGh I remember that phase it was driving me crazy getting up and down all night. Sawyer is getting so tall -I hope my Dylan catches up in height soon.


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