Finally the camera is back. Here are a few cute pictures of Jesse and the babies at the beach last weekend. Wish I could say that we did something fun this weekend but we worked around the house.

Here we are enjoying the pool. Do you know how hard it is to get 2 babies to look at the camera at the same time?

Danner playing in the sand.

Doesn't this remind you of ducks walking in a row? How cute....following Daddy to the water.

Playing with Daddy in the sand.

This is Sawyer screaming at the water. He is scared of the waves, but loves the pool. Strange, huh?
Sawyer and Danner are doing great. They are keeping me busy and into everything. Just this weekend they realized they can climb onto the coffee and end tables. That is something I am not too proud of. They tag team gets on one end and the other on the other end and by the time I pull one down, the other is back up there. NIGHTMARE.......
It is crazy how different their personalities are. Danner is very shy and Sawyer is quite the flirt. He will talk up a storm and knows lots of words. He will repeat almost anything you say. Danner is lucky to get a word in. They both really like books and will try to read them to me. It is so cute. I am sure a lucky mom to have such cute and smart babies.
I had a doctors appointment on Friday. Everything was fine. They scheduled my c-section for week 40. Not sure the exact date yet but whenever my favorite doctor is on call. I am hoping I won't make it to week 40 because I really don't want a c-section. But only time will tell. Next appointment is on the 1st and I will know how much megababy weighs. Hope to have some pictures posted of the nursery soon.
I have picked up a new hobby of reading blogs. I have been reading blogs of people that I don't know. It is quite addictive. I have found them quite interesting and it all topics that I am familiar with. Mainly infertility blogs, mothers of multiples blogs, pregnancy blogs. The only problem with this is that some of these blogs are quite depressing. When I read these it makes me realize how truely lucky I am to have 2 healthy babies. It was a long road to get there, but it happened for us and we couldn't be happier. I won't list the blogs on here, but if you want some good reads let me know and I will pass on the website to you.