So here we go......back to the old blog.
The twins...... 6 years old.....that's right I said 6.....How'd that even happen?? I have no idea. None!! It's like I blinked and they are practically grown. First graders. The absolutely love school....thank the good Lord.....because it will really suck having to fight with them to go. They are so smart...of course I am biased. Sawyer is starting machine pitch baseball next week. Moved up from's the next step. Danner is getting ready to start gymnastics again. She switched to piano for a while. She is really talented with music....singing and piano.....but our teacher moved so we have to find another one.
And Porter.....he's 4 going on 16. No seriously....he is. He's playing t-ball this season. It is hilarious to watch. So easily distracted....out on a field with a million things to catch his attention. But the kid can run.... He starts his final year of preschool in a couple of weeks. FINAL YEAR!! Can't believe it.
Jesse....he's the same ol Jesse. Working like a crazy man. He's pretty successful at his job and I am lucky enough to be able to stay home and take care of the kids, house, and pets! Ok...ok...who am I kidding. I take care of the kids. And kinda the pets....but the house? It's a small disaster. I clean. I clean some more....and it is sparkley clean...then the kids get home from school and its a hot mess. Shoes, socks, toys, bookbags, crumbs .....all within a matter of 2 minutes flat!! FACT!!
And then there's me.....I am a mom.....a aunt......a daughter....a granddaughter......etc. etc. I'm pretty effing busy these days. Take the kids to school. Get shit done. Wait for kids to get out of school. Homework. Reading. Snacks. Dinner. Play. Bath. My days are loooooong!
BUT I make time for myself. I have become big BIG into fitness. I started lifting weights. Heavy weights. I liked how I felt. I liked the look of the little muscles I was getting. I decided to do a fitness competition.....yea like BODYBUILDING.....MUSCLES......competition. Ill save that story for another day!
And I'll end with an updated pic of my littles....who aren't so little.